Friday, September 9, 2011

Investing in Your Future in Canada

Historically Canadians have enjoyed a very long love affair with their vacation homes. In previous generations the family cottage at the lake was the true meaning of idyllic summers. Usually it was within driving distance of the urban home and often Mum and the kids would spend most of the summer in residence while dear old Dad would commute to work daily or just spend weekends with the family cooking the summer barbecues and enjoying quality time. Even today many families still enjoy the legacy as the original cottages built by their grandparents have been passed down through the generations.

However, much has changed in this new millennium with the manner in which Canadians now view their leisure time and where to spend their vacations. We have transitioned through the 70s and 80s Snowbird era where we became internationally renowned for our mass migration during the winter months heading south for warmer climes, to our current reputation as global homeowners spending our holiday escapes in exotic and diverse parts of the world.