There are several ways that you can reduce your high cholesterol. First of all, being aware of your cholesterol intake is very important. Some want to make themselves aware and then there are those who really don’t care and they continue to eat whatever.
If you are one of those who have the desire to lower your cholesterol, you may do so by modifying your diet as the first resort. There are things that you can do to reduce your cholesterol and one of them is to cut back on the dairy products. This is a sure way to keep your body staying fit and the cholesterol down.
How does a bowl of oatmeal sound? There are wholegrains that are not only essential for you but may also help keep your cholesterol level lowered.
Like to fry a lot of foods. There are also ways that you can reduce your cholesterol level by cooking with oils such as canola oil and also olive oil. They may be a little more expensive but it is definitely the way to fry those foods that you like to fry so much.
You may also consider exercising as another way to reduce the cholesterol in your diet. There are cardio exercises that you may do that will reduce the cholesterol in your blood as well. Brisk walking and jogging are considered to be good cardio exercises. There are many other exercises that you may consider as well.
Of course, there is medication. You can choose to take medication and you can choose not to. It is all up to you. There are natural alternatives as well. There are foods that you can eat that will reduce your cholesterol level. There are ways that you can reduce your cholesterol levels by eating good healthy foods.
With all of the ways to improve your cholesterol levels, there are more then one ways to do it. It is all in what you eat and what you decide to do as far as exercising and reducing the cholesterol in your blood.
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